Léo GABIN (2000)
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Leo Gabin est un collectif né en 2000.
Constitué de Lieven Deconinck, Gaëtan Begerem et Robin De Vooght.
ils vivent et travaillent à Gand, Belgique.
Solo Exhibitions
2018 No Panic Baby, VNH Gallery, Paris, FR
Real Estate, 019, Ghent, BE
2017 Awesome, Atlanta Contemporary, US
Hurt So Good, VNH Gallery, Paris, FR
2016 Exit/Entry, Peres Projects, Berlin, DE
2015 A Crackup at the Race Riots, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, BE
A Crackup at the Race Riots, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, US
2014 Inside the White Cube, White Cube, Mason’s Yard, London, UK
2013 Tallahassee, Peres Projects, Berlin, DE
Mango, Kunstraum Muenchen, Munich, DE
Leo Gabin, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, US
2012 Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer, New Holland, Saint Petersburg, RU
Leo Gabin, Cultural Centre Bruges, Bruges, BE
Whatever Is Clever, Peres Projects Mitte, Berlin, DE
2011 Get That Patty Cake Going, ReMAP 3, Peres Projects, Athens, GR